Hardware & A Machine Gun

We got door knobs, we got cabinet knobs, pulls and rings and we got drawer cup pulls, too! You know I love me some hardware! 


And while I don’t mean to bring up bad memories from the past, (ahem, Black Fox ) the island is definitely still in the brown family. 

I’ve been meaning to post this photo from Cinco de Drinko (er, de Mayo) but these are friends in my kitchen all telling me that the island looks more grayish blackish to them… just trying to make me feel better! 

Cause what are friends for if they don’t lie to you and tell you look great in your little black (brown) dress, even when you kinda don’t?!!! 


And on a completely unrelated note, I got to shoot a machine gun last week and it felt good. 

What a great way to blow off some steam.  It took about 4 seconds to fire off 50 rounds. Not bad.

Come to think of it, maybe it isn’t so unrelated after all?!! 

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